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Multisim 11. Importing MOSFET model from Supertex website

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 6:06 am
by rlaury
Hi Group:
I've just started working with Multisim 11. After using Circuit Maker for 10 years, I just needed more flexibility. I've been trying to import a Supertex MOSFET for days now. I've watched every youtube
video I can find on the subject and read the manual. I just can't make the model work. The model is from Supertex's web site just as I down loaded it.

Can anyone see something I need to change to have the correct Multisim syntax?? Or can someone tell me what might be wrong.
Any help appreciated.


.MODEL DN2535 NMOS (LEVEL=3 RS=1.05 NSUB=5.0E14
+DELTA=0.1 KAPPA=0.20 TPG=1 CGDO=3.1716E-10
+RD=11 VTO=-1.50 VMAX=1.0E7 ETA=0.0223089
+NFS=6.6E10 TOX=725E-10 LD=1.698E-9 UO=862.425
+XJ=6.4666E-7 THETA=1.0E-5 CGSO=2.50E-9 L=4.0E-6